The kind of tired that feels like comfy blanket, and you're so drained because you spent every last drop of energy having a reeeeealy good time.
And it's good :-)

Boyfriend and I, along with a motley crew of friends, drove up to Mattapoisett, MA (an hour outside of Boston) last weekend. Our good friend Mandy grew up surrounded by trees and llamas and the beach!

After arriving late Friday night, we all went quickly to bed so we'd be ready for Nashoba Valley on Saturday morning. Once we were set with our lift tickets and activity of choice, we hit the slopes - bunny hill first.

Saturday night we spend back at Mandy's house for a home cooked meal where we all played a part. Mandy made the pasta while people took turns managing the playlist, a few others set the table, and Matt and I prepared the salad. Oh yeah, and someone was also in charge of keeping the wine glasses full.
I couldn't help but notice all of the lovely trinkets in Mandy's kitchen. It really was a lovely home!

Sunday morning we woke to a blizzard!!! The snow was coming down hard and we definitely procrastinated a bit after breakfast but it didn't stop us from getting to Boston for the afternoon. We had a leisurely lunch on Newbury Street and then we spent some time at Trident Books. (We had hoped to explore a bit more but it really was just too cold to go very far) Eventually our exhaustion from skiing set in so we all needed an extra boost of caffeine. I took mine in the form of a pot of tea. Russian Caravan black tea.

We did eventually take the T over to Faneuil Hall but it was closed for the evening.
Still, it looked awfully pretty in the snow.

Monday meant the impending drive back to New York, but before we packed our bags we took a stroll through Mandy's backyard to enjoy the landscape one last time. We ran around in the snow and marveled at how beautiful the beach was covered in ice. I'd say it was a very successful trip :-)

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